Man learns to read Bible


IT is unbelievable that Chris Issca was unable to read most of his life if one hears him reading the Bible today.
Last year, Issca learned to read Tok Pisin when he attended adult literacy training conducted by the Baptist Union PNG (BUPNG) in Mt Hagen, Western Highlands.
Issca comes from Markham in Morobe.
He didn’t have any financial support, so he was unable to pursue an education.
Despite not having an education, he participated in community activities, attended church and was a youth leader.
It was through these activities that Issca attended the adult literacy course.

“Mi laik autim tok, tasol mi no save long rit (I wanted to preach, but I didn’t know how to read),” Issca said.
He completed a four-month adult literacy training and graduated with a Level 1 Certificate in December.
Issca is now able to sound out letters and read in Tok Pisin.
“Nambawan stori mi ritim em stori bilong Moses. Mi bin amamas na karai nogut tru.
Long wanem mi no bin save long rit ikam inap nau (The first story I read was Moses. I was so happy that I burst out crying because I didn’t know how to read until now).
Nau mi inap long ritim Baibel na autim tok na lidim devotion. Bipo mi no save long rit na mi save struggle stret (Now I’m able to read the Bible and preach and lead devotions. I couldn’t do that before, I used to struggle).”
Issca is appreciative of the training and thankful to BUPNG and Youth With A Mission (YWAM) for their initial support to enrol him in the course.
He aims to continue to level two so he can learn how to read English, which will provide a pathway for him and others into meaningful employment, technical trades and study opportunities both in PNG and overseas.
The adult literacy training is recognised by the Education Department’s informal training sector for individuals unable to attend or complete formal education.
The training provides youths like Issca, a pathway to pursue formal education and later on employment.
BUPNG and other church partners under the church partnership programme are delivering adult literacy training with the support of the PNG-Australia Partnerships’ Building Community Engagement in Papua New Guinea (BCEP) programme.