Man, 29, remanded on burglary charges


A 29-YEAR-old man from Gulf has been remanded at Bomana Prison on charges of breaking, entering and stealing properties belonging to Pypon Holdings Limited in Koki, National Capital District, on Jan 10.
Prosecution told a Committal Court in Waigani on Monday that Bluey Waifa, of Sepoe village in Malalaua, and more than 80 others had forced open the gate and gained entry into the shop.
Many others also scaled the wire fencing to gain entry.
The court was told that looting followed as the five security guards watched helplessly.
Waifa will next appear in court on Feb 29.
Plaintiff was Robin Rohman, who is the managing director of Pypon Holdings Ltd.
At the time of the incident, and fearing for his life, Rohman had taken refuge in the staff quarters upstairs.
Police reports said the suspect and others raided the shop’s retail and wholesale departments, stealing and damaging properties and escaping with K520,000 in cash, a handgun and 13 Bangladesh passports.
Waifa and the 80-odd others were alleged to have also set fire to four Pypon buildings and two vehicles.
The suspect was apprehended at Koki market, and taken to the Boroko Police Station.
He was charged under section 398(a) of the Criminal Code Act.