Learn from M’sia: Minister


MALAYSIAN investments in PNG is estimated to be K6.3billion, mostly in the wholesale and retail, financial services, forestry, manufacturing and agriculture sectors.
Tourism, Art and Culture Minister Isi Henry Leonard said this last week when welcoming Malaysia’s Minister for Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts and Minister for Youths, Sports and Entrepreneur Development Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah in Port Moresby.
He said PNG exports to Malaysia in 2019 was US$155.74million (about K547.66million), mainly primary products.
Malaysian exports to PNG in 2019 was valued at US$354.65million (about K1.25billion).
“PNG will be looking at South East Asia for economic leverage,” Leonard said.
“PNG seeks to learn from Malaysia’s success in economics, technology and industry development and looks forward to expanding and deepening the bilateral relations in these areas.”
He said foreign relations was not only about politics anymore, but also trade and commerce.