Lae gas leak probe underway

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THE National Maritime Safety Authority (NMSA) is investigating an alleged ammonia gas leak from a fishing vessel in Lae, after five people who reportedly inhaled the gas were taken to hospital.
NMSA executive manager operations Captain Krysztof Orlowski said an inspector boarded the ship yesterday to start the investigation.
Orlowski said the NMSA was not informed of what happened until The National yesterday published a report of the five people being hospitalised reportedly from inhaling ammonia.
“Every incident related to shipping must be reported to the NMSA,” he said.
“We coordinate response and inform agencies. For not reporting incident to the NMSA, there is a K4,000 fine in the Merchant Shipping Act.”
Police in Lae confirmed that the fishing vessel was contracted to seafood company Frabelle (PNG) Ltd.
The vessel allegedly discharged ammonia while anchored off the DCA beach in Lae on Sunday.
The five people taken to hospital included two children. Captain Orlowski said they wanted to establish whether the release of the toxic gas was accidental or intentional, as ammonium should not be discharged into the sea.
The Frabelle company management yesterday advised that a statement would be released only after a full and final report was obtained from relevant authorities.
Morobe environment committee chairman Kolo Mathia said his office had also not received any report of the incident.
The National also reached out for comments yesterday from the Conservation and Environment Protection Authority, National Fisheries Authority, Lae City Authority, Lae Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the provincial disaster office and Lae MP John Rosso.