Kumul Minerals supports restoration efforts with K1mil


KUMUL Minerals Holdings Ltd (KMHL) will continue to support the landslide-stricken people at Mulitaka in Enga, says managing director Sarimu Kanu.
Kanu said this as he presented K1 million to the Enga government to help restore the lives of more than 10,000 people impacted following the May 24 disaster.
“We (KMHL) were among the first group of responders that assisted the Mulitaka people with lights, food, fuel and transportation and we will continue to assist and support the restoration efforts,” he said.
He said KMHL was immediately on the ground and supported the victims.
“Now we are here to present Sir Peter Ipatas with K1 million, in addition to our initial support following the natural disaster,” he said.
“We will continue to support your efforts of restoration of people’s lives at Mulitaka.
“It is strategically important as we have the Porgera Mine greatly impacted by the disaster not only to the roads that were blocked but our employees as well.”
Sir Peter thanked KMHL for their continued support since the Mulitaka landslide.
He said it would take a long time for the people’s lives to go back to the way they were.
Meanwhile, Sir Peter said reports were received that parts of the main road about 2km away from landslip area had experienced creaking recently, posing risk to other villages.
“This will affect hundreds of people in the four local level government wards areas,” he said.
He said that about 13 bodies had been recovered so far.

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