Kudos to PAU students for visit


WHEN the nation celebrated the 48th independence of Papua New Guinea, an Adventist institution distanced herself from celebration as it falls on a Sabbath.
Someone amidst different views had to make an innovative suggestion of hospital visitation.
Let me wholeheartedly thank the Pacific Adventist University (PAU) student president for organising the hospital visitation.
Papua New Guineans know for sure that it is independence day but not all citizens celebrate.
The national Government failed to promote celebration or organise events across the country so that the ten million citizens participate.
PAU students were seen visiting Port Moresby General Hospital last Saturday. I believe they have visited all the wards and offer spiritual guidance and prayer
Least we all forget, let us all be reminded that despite independence day, only a few celebrate the day while the entire nation is suffering due to inflation because leaders lack economic knowledge.
While few are celebrating, people are dying in rural health centres due to lack of funds.
Does the Government know the significance of celebration and what independence had brought to us as a nation of 48 years old?
Last Thursday the same PAU students have clean around the city with different couloirs.
For educated people to come down to that level is astonishing and there is a blessing for these students who participated in cleaning the city.
I commend the PAU students for visiting the sick patient at Port Moresby General Hospital.

Olgai Kultepe

One thought on “Kudos to PAU students for visit

  • Those PAU students were a rebelious bunch of kids, who did not want to observe the importance of PNG’s Independence Day celebration. Without PNG attaining Independence and setting this country free of foreign dominance and influence, you would never be who you are and where you are now.

    You should appreceiate the fact that PNG which you call your country is a free and sovreign state that makes you to enjoy your freedom to live as citizens of this beautifull nation. Without attaining Independence you would end up being under the control and dominance of foreign powers.

    Rebelious young minds are a threat to the future of this country. Any religiuos organisations in PNG must not promote rebeliousness and disuniity among the citizens of this country.

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