Kit home set up to quarantine cases

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A KIT home is being set up at the Port Moresby General Hospital to quarantine any suspected cases of coronavirus.
Sources in the hospital told The National yesterday that there was nothing inside the kit home.
“They have just started setting it up so it’s work in progress,” the source said.
“Any suspected case will be quarantined there to be tested.”
“The coronavirus is just like flu so blood tests will have to be done to confirm it,” the source said.
The source also said the Health Department was working in partnership with the National Airports Corporation to ensuring all suspected cases were brought into the quarantine.
Health Department acting secretary Paison Dakulala confirmed they were currently setting up the quarantine centre.
“Currently, we have three beds but we’re working on increasing it to 29.”
“It’s work in progress and so anyone who is suspected of the case will be quarantined there,” he said.