Keith produces unique range of fragrances


PAPUA New Guinea still lacks locally made fragrances when it comes to buying perfumes for yourself and or your loved ones as a gift.
Like its cultural diversity, the country is blessed a lot of resources inclusive or flora and fauna.
I had a privilege to meet a local perfume maker from East Sepik who has spent years studying the types of fragrance needed to create his own designed product and introduce to the local market.
Keith Kipma who has spent over 19 years working as a public servant recently turned his interest of studying different fragrances into a hobby and identified ways he could improve the market with his business idea under brand name Kipi 6 Perfumes.
“The reason why I created this perfume brand Kipi 6 Perfume and started making perfumes is related to my life story and challenges,” Kipma said.
“I was raised by a single mother who was able to provide for me and my younger sister, at that time my parents were divorced while growing up and life was very challenging.
“Despite her struggles she was content with what she had providing for us with the little she had with a whole lot of love to give, she taught us to be grateful for what we have and share with us.”
“Apart from my educational background, I managed to get find a job and through my former employment I was given an opportunity to travel in parts of Asia,” he told The National.
Kipma said prior to this travelling he was able to identify the importance of the fragrance market in each of the country he visited.
“I realised that we had a lot of potential and opportunity to make use of the flora and fauna we have combining their scent and fragrance together along with other perfume ingredients.”
“But we aren’t making use of it those opportunities hence the increase and influence from the outside market bringing their branded perfumes that cost more than a K50 or so.”
“The actual value of the product is far less than the selling price. One of the things is that we have something where people can work.”
He said after identifying this problem, he made a few researches and discovered how he can come on with an ideal product that also reflects to his life story.
“It took me a while, I spent nearly two years on phone conducting researches online on the type of fragrance that are big in the perfume market, read a lot and watched short videos to brain storm ideas.”
After nearly two years of gathering all the right information, Kipma went on to make his first trial using natural products such as eagle wood among others. And just last year he came up with his two first signature perfumes known as the Moyu Agarwood and Tigiamarrang Agarwood.
“From this two signature perfumes I tried reaching out to people with experience in this market to asses my product and give me an independent feedback so that I can take it into account and see where I improve and move on from there.”
“I entered the 2023 PNG Homemade Microbusiness competition through the Lilly PNG Magazine and made and was fortunate to make top 15 finalist in using those two products and that boosted me to create different styles of the perfume.”
Kipma only registered his business this year and so far has 9 different designed perfumes sold for K10 per bottle.
“After entering this competition I got a very valuable feedback from the competition and how I can change my product and improve my product to reach a valuable market.”
“With this business it has helped me to be able to provide for my family.”
He said the nine product are relatable to his life: 1. Moyu Agarwood; 2.Toru Saffron; 3.Maiya Ceaderwood; 4. Free Spirit Rose; 5. Touch of Amber (sandalwood); 6. Mojogo Orrris; 7. Tigiamarrang Agarwood; 8. Success; and 9. Forest Flower.
“Success is related to my last born son, when I look at the market and business that I am honoUred and privileged to say that I am one of many few who got to turn this hobby of identify different fragrance into a product.

Tigiamarrang agarwood selling for K10 per bottle.

Moyu Agarwood is dedicated to my mother a hard working woman who was able to provide for my younger sister and me although she was left to face hardship and challenges. Moju means mother in my mother’s language. This is my story.
Forest Flowers I spent most of the times in the forest especially during holidays where I liked hunting and camping in the bush hence the name I gave to relive those childhood memories.
Toru means persistent in a good way as a way of challenging one’s self which is again relatable to how I started figuring ways to design my own perfume, the process and time and how I could reach a certain market, so I decided to give this name.
Free Spirit Rose is been optimistic and not setting barriers around oneself. Think positive always that something will actually happen if you put your mind to it.
Mojogo Orrris is related to a character where my mother hails from Maiya is named after one of my oldest sons, I have six children and then you have the Tigiamarrang Agarwood and the Touch of Amber.
“These are my nine signature creation and it wasn’t easy getting the right scent and fragrance, our business name Kipi 6 represents my six children who have been an inspiration as well in this process,” he said. Kipma believes that there is more to be discovered in this business sector as he continues to reach out to the wider market to boost business and continue to set the pace for local perfume makers in PNG.

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