K260 million released

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PRIME Minister James Marape has confirmed the help of Australian and Indian governments in the printing of ballot papers for the general election and the indelible ink used for voting.
“Through our bilateral partnership with Australia and India, both governments have come on board to support us in the printing of the ballot papers in Australia and the indelible ink in India,” he said. “I want to confirm that the Treasurer has released K100 million to the Electoral Commission, K110 million to police and K50 million to the Papua New Guinea Defence Force.
“Independent observers and other partners will be observing the election and we want it to be free, fair and safe.”
Tawae-Siassi MP Dr Kobby Bomareo enquired about the update of the budget for the disciplined forces, the support for the Electoral Commission and printing of the ballot papers and whether the government was ready to conduct the election.
“Bills from 2017 and 2012 for the Electoral Commission and disciplined forces are outstanding, but I know both the Papua New Guinea Defence Force and police are retiring some of their bills,” Marape said.
“I encourage every stakeholder, leader and candidate to be on the lookout for illegal activities, including the present common roll update.”