Judge: Life for murder

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Additional 25yrs for raping victim’s wife

The National Court has sentenced a man to life imprisonment for killing another man.
He was also given another 25 years to be served concurrently for repeatedly raping the victim’s wife.
The murder and rape occurred in Jiwaka three years ago for reasons that have not been made clear to the court.
Judge Nicholas Miviri, presiding in the National Court in Minj last week, said killing a man, and abducting his wife and raping her, were both very serious offences committed with no regard for the law.
“No man is above the rule of law; all must adhere to the dictate and realm of the law,” Judge Miviri said.
The court heard that Ben Guna was in the company of others who ambushed and shot one Philip Gilma in his forehead with a gun.
They then chopped him up, took the wife with them by force and raped her along the way.
The wife was held captive in a village for some days before she was rescued by villagers.
Judge Miviri said there was no reason why Guna killed that man and kept his wife captive and raped her.
He said any disobedience to the law would attract serious punishment for the perpetrator.
“His motive was not made known. Although Guna apologised, it does not outweigh the gravity of the offence caused.
“It has not erased the seriousness of the offences causing Gilma’s death and brutal separation with his wife who was subjected to repeated rapes and detention,” Miviri said.
He said stronger sentences must be imposed to discourage such behaviours.
“Our womenfolk are equal before the same Constitution that extends from the tip of PNG at the southern end to the northern end, from the eastern end to the western end.
“The realm of the Constitution is supreme, protecting all under its wings and Minj, Jiwaka, is no exception.
“Those who stepped out of it into the domain of crime bear fully the consequences flowing from their actions,” Miviri said.
He then ordered for Guna to serve life in prison alongside 25 years for rape.

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