Jimi connects to outside world


IT is always a dream and wish of every remote community throughout PNG for a road network that will allow them access to the outside world.
The Government’s Connect PNG programme is turning this dream into reality. Rural and remote communities are and will continue to celebrate.
Mothers can now transport their garden produce to town markets, tired legs of children trekking long distances can now be relaxed when they hitch rides or catch PMVs, the sick can be assured of accessing health facilities quickly, fathers and uncles can now easily bring their coffee, coconut, timber, cocoa and other commodities to the buying points for that much-needed income, and boys and young men and women can now look beyond the confines of their village schools and mission stations.
Roads will allow the flow of essential government services in health, education, communication, agriculture and infrastructure. In Jiwaka’s Jimi, Connect PNG has made it possible for the construction of a new road.
All thanks to the hard work and the push by in Jimi MP Wake Goi and his District Development Authority (DDA).
Thank you to the Government, MP Goi and the Jimi DDA for this vital and important road link.

Ismae Mek
Karap – Middle Jimi