Jailed for drug possession

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WAIGANI Committal Court Magistrate Albert Daniels has sentenced a 25-year-old man to 18 months imprisonment for being in possession of 14 packets of cannabis.
Magistrate Daniels read out the charges to Max Kevin who had plead guilty.
“You will serve your jail term at Baisu jail in Mt Hagen and, after that, you will go back to your village in Hela and spend the next three years there,” he told Kevin, from Tatea village, Tari-Pori, Hela.
“If you do not follow this court order after you serve your sentence and you come back to Port Moresby, you will be severely penalised.”
Police prosecutor Senior Sergeant Joseph Sangam informed the court that the defendant
had no prior convictions, however, a punishment would serve as deterrent.
“The prosecution submits that the court should give Kevin a deterrent punishment as the offence was serious,” he told the court.
The prosecution submitted that Kevin would pay a fine or be sentenced to no less than two years.
On March 7, around 12.40pm, Police Fox Unit 104 were on patrol near Manu auto port bus stop area when they caught Kevin with 14 packets of marijuana.
Kevin was allegedly selling the drugs for K1 and K2.
He was then taken to the Badili Police Station and was later arrested and charged with being in possession of a controlled substance.