Increased demand for blood, call for more donations

Health Watch

THE demand for blood is always increasing at Sir Brian Bell Centre for Transfusion Medicine (SBBCFTM) at the Port Moresby General Hospital (PMGH), says an official.
Operations manager at SBBCFTM Xenia Peni said: “As our population grows, the demand for blood is high, but our supply is limited.”
Peni said that Word Health Organisation (WHO) had recommended that the blood bank held two per cent of the population.
“A large portion of our regular volunteer donors come from our corporate sector, schools and institutions through our mobile drives,” she said.
“SBBCFTM team conducts mobile drives which means that we can come to your office, school and set up our mobile clinic at your convenience to conduct collections.”
Peni urged organisations, state owned enterprises, schools, institutions and sporting teams to play their part by donating blood every quarter.
“Brian Bell Group is a model example of this, each quarter, their employees donate blood, in all centres across PNG where there is Brian Bell presence,” she said.
“ExxonMobil PNG is another organisation that is an avid supporter of our cause and donates regularly, close to 150 donors every quarter.
“Schools such as Don Bosco Technical, Paradise High School, La Salle Secondary, Port Moresby National School of Excellence and UPNG are driving the important messages of blood donations to our youths, our next generation of leaders.
Peni further described blood as a medicine that could not be manufactured.
“Therefore, donation is wholly dependent on an individual’s goodwill, to give the gift that keeps on living,” she said.
“We encourage individuals to volunteer to donate blood, make it a family event, and come with a friend or family member.
“For corporates and schools, you can contact us to book your next mobile blood donation camp.”
She said it would be important to be well prepared before donation.
“Eat well, iron-rich food, leafy greens (aupa, taro leaves) red meat, eggs, fish and vitamin C to support iron absorption,” she said.
“Be well hydrated, well rested at least eight hours sleep, not consume alcohol in last 72 hours, not on medication.”