House adjourned, VoNC motion yet to be filed

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SPEAKER Job Pomat says the Opposition is yet to file a motion of no confidence because there are processes to follow first.
The motion to be submitted to the Speaker must have the name of the alternative Prime Minister.
The Private Business Committee which sits on Wednesdays will go through the motion and if satisfied that it is in order and meets all the requirements, will inform the Speaker.
The Speaker then announces to parliament that a motion of no confidence has been moved against the Prime Minister.
The motion will be voted on one week later.
Parliament which resumed yesterday after the February sitting was adjourned to 10am today, after Leader of Government Business and Bougainville Regional MP Peter Tsiamalili Junior moved a motion.
Pomat told MPs that people around the country were watching with a lot expectation about the vote of no confidence motion. But processes must be followed.
“Whoever will form the new Government if the motion is successful must remember that Parliament is a place where laws are passed,” he said.
The Opposition will have to resubmit its motion after it was rejected twice on Feb 14 and 20.