Health setups will help reach targets

Main Stories, National

The National, Tuesday June 24th, 2014

 THE setting of the Provincial Health Authority in provinces will help in achieving health targets, an official says.

Chief executive officer of the Milne Bay Provincial Health Authority Bill Naidi said the authority was established to “ensure relations and processes between the national level and provincial level are strengthened and health services are better managed and coordinated through a single health system”. 

“The Provincial Health Authority is seen as a vehicle to implement the national health plan by making sure that activity and programme planning are in line to address the 80 key result areas,” he said.

“Plans and objectives are achievable through Provincial Health Authority therefore it must roll out to all provinces in the country.”

The authority has been set up in Milne Bay, Eastern Highlands and Western Highlands. 

Other provinces to set up their authorities are West New Britain, Enga, West Sepik and East Sepik.