Gurias eye better outing


THE Rabaul Gurias are dynamic in attack but they are looking to improve on their defence as they face the Gulf Isou in the Digicel ExxonMobil Cup round 6 match on Sunday (3:30pm kick-off).
The Central Dabaris will face Hela Wigmen in the earlier match of Pool B’s Port Moresby double-header at the National Football Stadium (1pm kick-off).
The Gurias dominated the first-half against Dabaris last week where they led 22-4.
Despite having control of the game for most of the period, Dabaris clawed their way back in the last 15 minutes only to go down 20-26 to the Agmark-sponsored side.
Gurias coach Francis Ray told The National that his men were working to improve their poor defence.
The Isou were the first team in the competition to beat Sepik Pride at their home ground Pora Oval in Wewak last week and they would take on the visitors with a lot of confidence.
“I wasn’t happy with the way we finished against Dabaris but there is a lot of room for improvements especially with our defence,” Ray said.
“Our attack has been good in the season. The spine is doing well and the forwards as well especially when they are running with the ball.
“I was pleased with our prop Daniel Pai who played 80 minutes against Dabaris. I’ve been trying to encourage the middle forwards to go 80 minutes and hopefully we continue that.
“Our veteran Ase Boas is still injured so we will maintain our current halves Wesley Batari and Mark Alunga for next few games.”
The Gurias strength would be in their pack led by experienced Jordan Pat, Pai, Casey Dickson, and damaging second-rowers Alex Max and Nickson Waki, who scored tries respectively against Dabaris.
The Roger Laka-coached Isou would look to lift their game with forwards Emmanuel Parua, Adam Korave and Charles Kumbi leading from the front to match the Gurias pack.