Govt act on coronavirus

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THE Government will be setting up facilities at restricted entry points in the country to try to prevent the killer coronavirus reaching here, says Prime Minister James Marape.
He said screening facilities would be at Port Moresby’s Jackson Airport and the Port Moresby and Lae wharves – the only international entry points – to screen passengers for the disease that was discovered in China recently but now killing people in other countries as well.
Marape said the Government was in constant discussions with various government agencies, partners and the Chinese Embassy in Port Moresby to get on-the-hour updates of the novel coronavirus.
“Let me assure the people that the coronavirus is not in the country, and your government is aware of the issue and is working to address it,” the prime minister said.
“As we speak, all land borders have been closed.”
“All international flights will come through Jackson International Airport and all shipping vessels will have to come through the Port Moresby Port and the Lae Port only where they can be screened.”
Marape said any suspected case would be quarantined.
He also said that people should also understand that all passengers coming in were already thoroughly checked and screened at airports where they boarded the plane.
“And the scrutiny there is much greater than the one we have here.
“So I call on the people to be calm and not believe everything you read on Facebook as the Government is addressing the issue.”


  • Some international flights bound for mine sites in the highlands are landing direct in hagen. Might be worth looking at redirecting the flight to pom for a safer check.

  • The set up of screening machine must within this month no later then that..
    Thanks MPJM for your great concern for the citizens

  • Impose travel restrictions to all Asians coming in, or otherwise the Government must issue face masks at the Jacksons International Airport to prevent the spread of the 2019-nCoV as we here in PNG does not have the proper facilities to test the virus.

  • There are some illegal immigrants who have been illegally entering our country by logging and fishing vessels and some other ways which we do not know but were later caught and sent back. What if someone infected with this disease enters our country like that..
    I suggest it would be much better if we are to strictly search every containers and corners of any logging and fishing vessels for any human of Asian origin entering our seas..
    As the saying goes,,, Prevention Is Better Than Cure!!

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