Governor Peter to trek Kokoda

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CENTRAL Governor Rufina Peter will trek two historical tracks, the Kokoda Trail and Ghost Mountain, to boost tourism and infrastructure development.
She announced this yesterday when she launched the Inaugural Legacy Walk, to pay tribute to the war heroes of Central as carriers and guides for Australian, New Zealand and Japanese soldiers.
“I also want to see first-hand conditions of our people living along the tracks and see where we can help them in terms of infrastructure and other needs,” Peter said.
She said the Kokoda Trail was a significant tourism product for the province, specifically Koiari.
“The Ghost Mountain track has the potential to be a significant tourism product too,” Peter said.
Peter said using the lessons from the walk, she planned to develop Ghost Mountain as a tourism product, as it held untold war stories.
She planned to walk the Kokoda from July 15-22, covering the entire three quarters (72km) within Central’s boundary of the complete 96km trail.
“An eight-hour walk, starting from Central’s Myola, where Allied Forces dropped their food supplies during the war, to Naduri and then rest for a night,” Peter said.
“And then from Naduri to Kagi, Launumu and Efogi.”
She said the walk would continue from Efogi to Menari and a rest for the fourth night at Naoro village.
Peter said after a night’s rest, the walk would continue to Ioribaiwa for a night and then off to Good Water the next day.
On the seventh or eighth day, depending on how fast the team is, they would head to Owers’ Corner.
Meanwhile, a charity fundraising dinner will be held on July 27 at Apec Haus, after the Kokoda walk to support Peter’s initiative of infrastructure developments into the remote areas that would be identified along the track and Ghost Mountain, or Kapa Kapa Trail, in Rigo.

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