Funding queries surface ahead of June 17 count

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THE question of financing the National Census 2024 activities in Chimbu has come to the fore during the graduation of 100 districts and local level government coordinators and trainers last Friday.
Simbu census coordinator John Siune touched on financing and called on the National Statistical Office (NSO) to ensure required funding was available on time for the province to effectively implement the headcount.
Other commentators also raised concern that with about a week to go, it was difficult to see how it could be implemented in the six districts of Chimbu.
The province is yet to receive its budgetary allocation from NSO, which would include counterpart funding from the provincial government and the six district development authorities.
“It is seven days away for the districts and LLGs to conduct training for the supervisors and numerators, and funding is needed to acquire logistics for the trainings,” one LLG manager said.
NSO officer Gabriel Don, said he could not comment on the funding aspects of the National Census 2024 exercise.
Don, the team leader, rural and field operations directorate, said he understood the geographical challenges and the remoteness of Chimbu.
He was hopeful that all stakeholders would secure funding to conclude the counting for all districts and LLGs.
Don said the last National Census in 2011 cost the government K250 million.
He said it was likely to double this year due to population growth and other socio-economic factors.
“The NSO has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with all provincial governments, paving the way for provinces to take ownership of the National Census,” he said.