Foundation marks decade of advocacy

Artists from the PNG Cancer Foundation created a work of art which was later auctioned off and sold to Moore Printing for K1,000. – Nationalpic by SEBASTIAN ALEWA

THE Papua New Guinea Cancer Foundation is a non-governmental organisation which was established on April 14, 2014. The main function of the foundation is to raise awareness on the importance of cancer prevention and early detection through education and awareness programmes in encourage healthy lifestyle choices among Papua New Guineans.
April 14, 2024 marked a successful decade of cancer coordination in PNG. To mark this milestone occasion and raise funds for more impactful awareness programmes, the foundation hosted a 10th anniversary corporate gala event at The Holiday Inn and Suites in Port Moresby last week. Partners and supporters gathered to celebrate, raising a total of K80,000 from the corporate gala networking event.
There was also a live painting which went up for auction and was sold for K1,000 to Moore Business Systems (PNG) Ltd managing director David Doig.
The funds raised will be used to support the foundation’s ongoing efforts to produce awareness materials and its programmes.
Speaking during the event, PNG Cancer Foundation executive manager Kimberly Kapigeno reflected on

This year marks 10 years of being an active presence in the fight to reduce the risks of cancer and its burden in our communities.

the successful decade of advocacy with appreciation to all who had been supporting the foundation.
“This year marks 10 years of being an active presence in the fight to reduce the risks of cancer and its burden in our communities.
“We thank previous management and leadership, serving staff and volunteers, and together with their families, neighbourhoods, churches, community schools, sporting clubs, village groups, and extended provincial constituencies for all their support behind the scenes.
“A special appreciation also extends to those that gave us a chance to impact lives by providing contacts, answering our calls, showing the paths to get support – connecting the dots and opening the doors for partnerships and collaborations. Tenk yu tru,” she said.
The executive manager thanked the authors and advocates of key national cancer instruments that guided the activities of the foundation which included:

  •  National Cancer Control Policy (2015);
  •  National Policy on Health Promotions;
  •  National Health Plan (2021 – 2030);
  • Medium Term Development Plan; and
  • National Cancer Priorities.

She said leading last year’s 57th Medical Symposium with the theme “Holistic Approach to Cancer” and Cancer Impact Review Mission remain momentous for the foundation.
“As we draw strength from each progress, and equally important by being responsive, the foundation envisions to “pave the course to eradicate preventable cancers in our generation.”
And this course is sound with the foundation’s mission to serve as an intervention for cancer control through awareness and advocacy for action on primary prevention and early detection.
“We stand rejuvenated to serve diligently toward enabling a better fighting chance against cancer. To 10 years and beyond,” she said.
Volunteer health worker Ancylla Rayapan who has been with the foundation for three years was honoured to speak during the anniversary celebration.
“For a decade, this organisation has stood tall as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path towards a healthier society. I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of knowledge. Delivering cancer awareness presentations to diverse audiences – corporate professionals, high school students, and settlement residents within Port Moresby – has been a humbling experience.
“Witnessing the spark of understanding and the desire to take action has solidified my belief in the power of prevention.” Rayapan revealed that before joining the foundation as a medical student at UPNG’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences, she was exposed to the devastating impact of cancer on people.
“I have experienced the loss of patients that I have had in my care to cancer.
“My engagement with the foundation has enabled me to see another crucial point of view, beyond the clinical setting: education and awareness in our communities and workplaces.
“My eyes have now been opened to the realities of healthcare in Papua New Guinea. I’ve witnessed the significant barriers to cancer awareness, and the crucial role the foundation plays in addressing them.
“Their dedication to prevention education empowers individuals and communities to take control of their health,” she said.
The health worker proudly stated that together as a team, PNG Cancer Foundation had taken great strides in closing this gap in awareness.
“But the journey is far from over. There are still many gaps in the cancer continuum that need to be addressed,” she said.
The young woman shared that she wanted to do something meaningful with her life and joining the foundation team helped her to do that.
“My involvement with the foundation to deliver awareness gave me a better understanding to carry out my research. Through hard work, support and very appropriate on-field experience, I completed my study and graduated with flying colours.
“I have two awards for my work: the Dean’s Award from the 57th Medical Symposium last year, and the PNG-Australia Partnership Award from the Australian High Commission at the 69th UPNG graduation last month.
“Looking forward, I see a future where the PNG Cancer Foundation, alongside passionate volunteers and supporters, continues to empower our people with knowledge, break down barriers to education, and ultimately, save lives.
“Let us celebrate this 10th anniversary with immense pride and appreciation. But let it also be a catalyst for even greater achievements.
“Together, we can build a Papua New Guinea where cancer is a disease we can prevent and manage, not just fight,” she concluded.

Launching the Daffodil Corporate Golf Day in 2014.
Hiri Moale Queen Henao Heni (middle) with colleagues at the PNG Cancer Foundation 10th anniversary corporate Gala event. – Nationalpic by SEBASTIAN ALEWA