Former MPs return assets

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TWO former politicians have returned assets bought during their terms as Kerowagi MP over the past 15 years to the district development authority (DDA) to show unity in developing the district.
About 7,000 locals along with community leaders and Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology Minister Don Polye witnessed the event as Kerowagi MP Francis Kikin Siune received the keys to earthmoving machines, including three excavators and one dump truck, from Camillus Dangma and Guma Wau, who served as MPs from 2012-2017 and 2007-2012, at Kunabau in Chimbu’s Kerowagi on Monday.
According to the DDA, the leaders focused their shared commitment on advancing the district’s growth. “Dangma, from the Sambugla Waugla, and Wau, representing the Dagle community, expressed their determination to prioritise the good of the district over personal interests while Siune thanked the two former politicians for releasing the district assets for development,” the DDA said in a statement.
Siune said it was important to cooperate and work in unity, focusing on serving the public and community.
The event also included a symbolic moment where a substantial local asset, known as the “harpteror”, was formally handed over to Dangma for his contribution to developing the district during his term.
“Notably unprecedented, this gesture demonstrated a cohesive alliance among leaders for the good of their constituents. The event left a lasting impression on the people of Kerowagi, serving as a reminder that collaboration among leaders is essential for progress,” the statement read.
“The unity displayed on this occasion served as an example for other leaders in the Highlands to set aside personal differences and work harmoniously for the good of their communities and the nation.
“With a renewed sense of purpose, Kerowagi is poised to embark on a journey of development and prosperity under the leadership of individuals dedicated to developing the district.”
Meanwhile, Polye said the Government would continue to work with the Kerowagi MP in supporting development and the prosperity of the people.

One thought on “Former MPs return assets

  • While those two former politicians where being praised by current MP, they should also be ashamed of their act because these equipments and machineries are not their private properties.They deprived the rights of the people of Kerowagi to have better services through these equipments. Law should get down hard on those two former politicians.

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