Foreign lawyers warned to comply


FOREIGN lawyers practising in Papua New Guinea have been warned to comply with the Lawyers (Amendment) Act 2021.
Any breaches will attract severe consequences, said Justice and Attorney-General Department secretary Dr Eric Kwa.
He said a K5,000 fine was now in force for local and foreign lawyers.
Addressing an awareness seminar on the reforms to the National and Supreme Courts structure and amendments to the Lawyers Act on Tuesday evening in Port Moresby, Kwa reminded foreign lawyers: “The Lawyers Act was amended to manage your conduct and for promotional purposes.”
He said there were mechanisms in place to ensure protection of the profession from disrepute.
“You apply every year to pay your fees to practise and, every five years, we will conduct a review of your operations.
“We want to know where you are operating from and whether you have trust accounts,” Kwa said.
He said it was also a stated requirement to know the number of people a law firm employs. “In the new guidelines, and in terms of giving back to the community, lawyers must go back and teach at the law school and the Legal Training Institute in order for your practising licences to be renewed,” Kwa said.
PNG Law Society president Hubert Namani said lawyers were encouraged to report their colleagues who breach their code of conduct.
“There is a committee in place to receive your complaint,” he said.
He said the society was there to ensure lawyers comply with all ethical guidelines and maintain professional conduct standards.
“It is essential that we uphold these ethical standards to preserve the integrity of our profession,” Namani said.

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