Footbridge not helping health matters, says officer

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THE Busu footbridge has partly collapsed, affecting movement of patients wanting to get to Boana health centre, says the officer in charge.
Boana health extension officer John Landime said this had necessitated the immediate installation of a permanent bridge for vehicles to use.
He said the footbridge had served its purpose and it was time for a replacement and advancement.
“Footbridge days are gone. Let’s have a more permanent and solid structure in place”, Landime said.
He said health workers were facing more problems getting to patients in Nawaeb, Morobe.
He blamed the continuous rain and flooding for the misfortune, which happened last October.
Landime said in times of emergencies, it was hard for officers from the centre to get to the local aid posts, clinics and villages located on the other side of the bridge.
“Patients referred to the health centre had to be carried over to the other side of the footbridge to be put on a waiting ambulance and taken to the centre for treatment”, Landime said.
“Those that cannot walk are placed on homemade stretchers and carried across to reach the ambulance. It is difficult in times of an emergency to respond quickly and effectively”.
He appealed to the local authorities to quickly progress work on a permanent bridge.
The K500,000-galvanised footbridge was commissioned for use on April 12 this year. The planned Busu Bridge would cost about K8.5 million.

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