Firms support relief

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RESOURCE companies have come on board in a big way to support relief efforts for victims of the Mulitaka landslide in Enga.
TotalEnergies, ExxonMobil PNG Limited and Mobil Oil New Guinea Limited yesterday announced commitments of up to K2 million in funding as well support in kind for the relief and relocation efforts currently under way.
TotalEnergies committed K1 million through the PNG Chamber of Resources and Energy along with use of a heavy helicopter capable of lifting five tonne weights, as well as water, solar lamps and kitchen utensils.
TotalEnergies new managing director, Arnaud Berthet said: “It was important for us to support the population and to support them quickly.
“I would like to express my deepest condolences to the people of Enga who have lost loved ones. All these families who have lost parents, children, loved ones..I can tell you it’s a real shock.
“We share the pain and the mourning of all these communities.”
ExxonMobil and Mobil Oil New Guinea Ltd committed K1 million as well as 40,0000 liters of diesel fuel.
“Our hearts go out to those impacted by this tragedy, including the friends and family of our ExxonMobil PNG staff,” said Tera Shandro, chairperson and managing director of ExxonMobil PNG.
“As one of the country’s largest private sector companies, it is only fitting to do our part to aid the ongoing response efforts by the PNG Government and its broader partners.
“Fuel supply reliability is also particularly critical during humanitarian responses, and it is our hope that Mobil’s donation of 40,000 liters of diesel will help to sustain response efforts on the ground.”
Coca Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) and Coca-Cola ASEAN South Pacific have also come on board to assist the Enga Disaster office with water to assist the villagers in Mulitaka.
CCEP’s sales & commercial director Tim Solly said following this natural disaster, CCEP wanted to be there to support the local communities that were affected.
“Our condolences to the families of those that perished in the landslide; we hope the water and drinks supplied can assist those displaced by the landslide during this difficult time.”
A total of 200 cartons of Nature’s Own Water and 50 cartons of assorted Coca-Cola brands was received by Ben Sarett from the Enga Disaster Centre Meanwhile, five members from the PNG Defence Force (PNGDF) Air Transport Wing and two Royal Australian Air Force advisors recently deployed to Mount Hagen with the PNGDF PAC-750XL aircraft to support the PNG Government’s humanitarian response in Enga.
According to a statement from the Australian High Commission this is the first time the PAC-750XL has been used in response to a humanitarian crisis and is a demonstration of the utility of the aircraft.
The PAC-750XL moved a total of 242kg of aid into Kairik and 80kg of cargo between Mount Hagen and Wapenamanda to enable helicopter operations.
In order to conduct this operation safely, the aircraft conducted a training mission into Kairik. Once the PNGDF aircrew were confident the landing site was accessible, the aid was then able to be flown in.