Firm launches insurance product

Health Watch

A HEALTH insurance company has launched a new wantok individual medical insurance product to enable citizens to receive quality health services.
PNG Health Assurance Company Ltd chairman and chief executive officer Raj Juta said the aim was to provide an effective medical service to Papua New Guineans.
“Our object is to bring insurance to the mass market and the only way we can do that is to provide to the individual insurance cover,” he said.
Juta said this was to ensure quality health care services were accessible to all. He said to register, citizens could pay for a PHA card which for single person was K1,650, couple was K1,870, married with family was K2,150 for the next 12 months.
Juta said as long as the citizens had a card, they could access any PHA medical affiliated health services for treatment using their card.
He said the citizens could use the card up to 12 months and if expired, they could renew for the next 12 months.
Juta said they would extend to other provinces in the next three to six months.