Fight disrupts Kundiawa

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The scurrying crowd seeking safety from the hurling stones. – Pictures courtesy of ENNIO KUBLE

A fight among youths in Kundiawa forced businesses to close and disrupted the flow of traffic along the Okuk Highway on Saturday.
Seven major shops and small businesses in the centre of Kundiawa were forced to close as residents, shoppers, vendors and bystanders sought protection from the stone-fight.
Residents described the fight as the worst in the history of Kundiawa as it involved youths numbering about 500 and lasted several hours.
According to police, no major casualties were sustained and damages to shops were minimal.
It was believed that the fight started after a man tried to protect his betel nut from a drunkard young man.
The fight between the two led to a group fight between youths from the northern and southern ends of the town. Women were also involved in the fight.
The fight later turned to the looting of shops. The youths targeted CBL joint and HTK grocery but they could only steal few alcoholic drinks. The youths then turned their wrath on a passing hauler owned by Mapai Trucking, smashing one side of its windows with stones.
Chimbu’s top cop Asst Comm/Highlands eastern end Joseph Tondop and his men arrived at the scene and brought the situation under control.