Ex-cultist gives life to God

Alex Mawa during his baptism on Easter Sunday at River Tuman, Kindeng in Anglimp–South Waghi, Jiwaka, after being a cult worshipper for 11 years.

FATHER-of-six Alex Mawa has decided to end his 11-year involvement in cult activities and be baptized to follow the Lord Jesus Christ instead.
Mawa, 37, is from Kora village in Anglimp-South Waghi, Jiwaka.
He was baptized on Easter Sunday to become a member of the Christian Revival Church.
Mawa joined a cult movement in 2006 while attending a secondary school in Port Moresby.
He now realises how much time he had wasted following the cult movement.
Mawa said he decided to give his life to Jesus after confronting a Pentecostal church pastor who he was planning to kill.
He said members of the cult movement had been planning to kill people as a sacrifice.
Mawa said the pastor had prayed for him to give his life to Jesus.
“One night, I armed myself with a bush knife and went to the pastor’s house to kill him because I did not like him praying for me,” he said.
“While I was standing in front of his house, he opened the door and I could feel God’s presence surrounding me and felt two forces wrestling around me.”
Mawa said he fell unconscious.
The pastor lifted him and took him into the house and prayed over him.
Mawa said he gave his life to Jesus that very night.
After making that decision, he said evil forces tried to attack him spiritually.
So he went to live with the pastor for four months.
“The power of God is superior to any other powers in the world,” Mawa said.
He said the devil would try to stop people from rejoining the church.
His life and of his family were put in danger but through the power of God and prayer, they were protected.
“This cult movement is growing in this country and the church needs to rise up and fight it,” Mawa said. “Killing is part of cult, the same with marijuana.
“I thank God for saving me from evil.”
He claims that many young people are joining cult activities.
Mawa believes that bodies with missing parts found on the streets are most likely the work of cult groups which the Government and the church must destroy.
“I messed up my education,
marriage and my whole being,” he said.
But after accepting Jesus, Mawa said his life has started to change.