Engineering students carry out Gordon cleanathon


STUDENTS of the Acatech Aviation College took time out of training to clean around the Gordon Industrial area in Port Moresby on Friday.
Training manager Alvin Mapute said this was to bolster practical skills and environmental stewardship among aspiring aircraft maintenance engineers.
He said the event not only highlighted their commitment to hands-on training but also underscored their dedication to fostering responsible citizenship among youths.
“The cleanathon is a pivotal initiative under our youth development training and framework.
“It aims to instil a strong sense of responsibility and environmental stewardship among our aspiring aircraft maintenance engineering and aviation electronics engineering students,” he said.
Mapute said the activity not only fostered technical skills but also nurtured a deep commitment to sustainability within the youths.
He said the participants were engaged in hands on cleaning exercises around their community, focusing on proper maintenance and cleanliness standards.
“The cleanathon serves as a platform for holistic development, promoting teamwork, leadership and community engagement among our students,” he said.
He said that they aimed to empower the next generation of aircraft engineering professionals with not only technical competence but also a sense of duty towards the environment and society.
aircraft maintenance student Randall Lawrence said the programme helped the students to give back to their communities.
“Engaging in the cleanathon also reminds us make to sure our environment is taken care of, because no one else is going to do it for us,” he said.