ENB’s Kerevat to train its detainees


EAST New Britain’s (ENB) Kerevat Correctional Institution will introduce finance literacy trainings and other short courses for its prisoners, says an official.
Kerevat’s acting commanding officer Supt Fidelis Kaski said recently that they will start training prisoners in commercial cookery and tailoring through Technical Vocational Education Training (Tvet).
Kaski said the training was expected to run for eight weeks for 120 detainees.
He said the training programme was coordinated by the ENB division of community development.
The division also supported the programme with K500,000 from the provincial services improvement programme funds under the community development sector.
Kaski said the training will be facilitated by Kabaira Girls Tvet School.
He said from the K500,000, K299,346.82 will be used for the commercial cookery and tailoring training programme while the balance of K200,659.18 will be used for finance and adult literacy as well as Flexible Open Distance Education (Fode) trainings.
“The purpose is to train detainees on trades so when they finish from here, they can use the skills to start their small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) to support them and their families,” said Kaski.
“We also found that many of our detainees are illiterate. That is why we wanted to run adult literacy training.
“Some have completed Grade 12. These will update their academic results through Fode, but we have plans for all of them to attend finance literacy training so when they go back to their communities, they can start their SME activities.”
Kaski said there were more than 550 prisoners, and they will try to ensure all would attend these trainings.

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