Early preparation key

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EARLY preparation is important to properly conduct the local level government (LLG) elections next month, Electoral Commissioner Simon Sinai says.
“We have been doing work on the ground since last year to deliver the LLG elections with confidence,” he said.
“We need to manage the LLG elections so they can be properly conducted.
“We are also mindful of the decision the Government has made in terms of the method of the election.”
Sinai made these remarks at the opening of a week-long workshop in Port Moresby yesterday.
He said the workshop would be focused on preparations geared toward the LLG elections.
“The workshop will find out the status of the election preparations in each province, especially with the verification of voters and the logistical arrangements needed,” he said.
“The workshop has to come up with a plan to manage the two different methods of election.”
Meanwhile, Minister for Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs Soroi Eoe clarified that the LLG elections would see the voting of presidents in eight provinces by their ward councillors and in 12 provinces it will be by the people.
Eoe said eight provinces – Hela, Southern Highlands, Enga, Western Highlands, Jiwaka, Chimbu, Eastern Highlands and Morobe – would maintain the current system of electing LLG presidents by ward councillors, and 12 provinces – Madang, East Sepik, West Sepik, Northern, Milne Bay, Central, Gulf, Western, Manus, New Ireland, West New Britain and East New Britain – would be by the people.
National Capital District and Bougainville are not included.
“The National Executive Council has approved these eight provinces that would vote using the current system while the rest by the people,” he said.
“Cabinet, in its wisdom, has approved both methods of electing LLG heads, basing on choices made by the respective provincial government.”
Eoe reaffirmed the tentative election dates as follows:

  • ISSUANCE of writs on July 25 (4pm);
  • CLOSE of nomination on Aug 1 (4pm);
  • POLLING starts on Aug 24 (4pm);
  • POLLING ends on Sept 6; and,
  • RETURN of writs on or before Sept 27.

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