Drug not tendered, case tossed

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District Court Magistrate Alex Kilandi has questioned the whereabouts of more than 200kg of marijuana in the case of 13 men charged with trafficking when dismissing the cases.
He said arresting officers in the drug cases had not tendering exhibits in court resulting in a mass dismissal which was concerning.
“Drug abuse is a serious issue that needs to be addressed when offenders are caught but arresting officers have failed to provide evidence so the cases are dismissed,” he said.
Magistrate Kilandi raised the concern on Friday at a District Court in Boroko when he dismissed the cases of 13 men charged with trafficking cannabis due to a lack of evidence.
The 13 whose case were dismissed were all from Goilala in Central.
Police prosecutor Senior Constable Aloysius Eyaisa informed the court that prosecution had no exhibits to tender in court as it had not provided to them.
Magistrate Kilandi said arresting officers could not charge offenders without providing evidence.
“Arresting officers for drug cases must not abuse their powers by arresting and charging drug offenders and using the exhibits for the own use to make money,” he said.
“These drugs are causing harm and if arresting officers fail to bring cases to prosecution then there will be bigger problems.”
The four arresting officers in the dismissed cases were Sgt Andrew Hevoho, Senior Constable Taylor Ngnambu, Sgt Komex Helide and Senior Constable Jim Teke.
Police documents revealed that the men were arrested and charged on two different occasions in 2022.
They all pleaded not guilty and faced trial however with the lack of evidence the cases were dismissed last Friday.


  • The arresting officers (policemen named) must appear before the same court to explain why the evidence are not presented as court exhibits. It’s now common that police personal are benefiting form properties confiscated from citizens.

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