Donation to help families rebuild


A GROUP of 28 families at Hobu village in the Nabak local-level government of Nawaeb have been given materials to build new homes after police officers damaged their homes last June.
Police set fire to homes at the village after Senior Constable Ben Melvin was stabbed to death allegedly by a man reportedly under the influence of alcohol on June 7.
The late officer, from Finschhafen, and three other officers had gone to the village after receiving a call for assistance on the police toll-free number the previous day.
The families lost all their belongings in the fire.
Nawaeb MP Kennedy Wenge in an effort to restore peace and to rebuild the lives of the families, provided building materials such as roofing iron to the families on Thursday.
The event was witnessed by Morobe Governor Ginson Saonu, provincial police commander Superintendent Alex N’Drasal, Nawaeb development authority members and representatives of Finschhafen MP Renbo Paita.
“It is the new year and we cannot let families affected by man-made disasters to live like this,” Wenge said.
The Nawaeb district development authority gave K150,000 while the Government gave K100,000 to buy the supplies.
“I will come back to see that the houses are constructed and the families settle properly,” Wenge said.
N’Drasal apologised on behalf of the policemen who retaliated.
“It was a disaster for this village in 2018. But 2019 is a new year to begin a new life,” he said.
“We as individuals must know who is living among us. We need to change our mindsets, go to church and change our lives. Leave all the negative attitudes behind and we will see good things happening.”