Disputes prevent search, rescue efforts in Enga

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THE search and rescue operation at the landslide site in Enga’s Laiagam which was supposed to start yesterday was halted following disputes with the New Porgera mine.
Enga’s Poroam community representative Lasen Iso said trucks and machineries that were sent to retrieve bodies were denied access to the site by ward leaders Jaman Yandam and Lee Wambu.
Let the bodies remain and we will plant flowers around and mark as a mass burial site, Iso said.
He said: “We don’t want the road to be cleared for the mine to access, they haven’t renewed our landowner agreement after Barrick left.
They should come clear to the landowners on the long-term benefits.
“Yesterday, locals retrieved the body of Saka Ipatas, 23, using iron rods and digging sticks.
The deceased’s body was already decaying and was wrapped in a canvas and put inside a coffin.
“The other 21 bodies retrieved since last Friday were yet to be buried as families from the maternal and paternal sides of the deceased are yet to decide on burial sites.’’
Iso said that families decided to keep the bodies to await donor agencies and authorities to take reports.
The deceased are wrapped in plastic and canvas to avoid the decaying scent.
“It’s about five days now since the massive landslide last Friday and most of those buried underground are already in a decomposing state.
Let them remain as their bodies might be destroyed by machines during the retrieval process.’’
Iso said most villagers wanted their love ones to be retrieved and given proper burial and they are negotiating with community leaders to allow machineries to the site.