Discipline seen as crucial in business operation

Angela Tau-Williams

PACIFUND Financial Services chief executive officer Des Yaninen says small businesses must learn to be consistent in their operation and services provided.
Yaninen, who is also PNG Micro, Small to Medium Enterprise (MSME) Council president, said in Port Moresby yesterday during the launch of the Biz Launch Entrepreneurship programme, discipline in running a business was important.
“When you get paid and when you receive that first payment, you are happy and you celebrate, then you relax again, the idea is to always be consistent, and by doing, you are getting to the top one per cent of your industry,” he said.
Yaninen said under its 30-day programme, entrepreneurs were challenged with a monthly target of raising K10,000 in their business.
“The last 30 days has been of different learnings and experiences, and now is the time that we announce our businesses to the world.
“K10,000 per month, it might seem high to some people but that is just the baseline.”
Brook Cherith Sounds and Events managing director Angela Tau-Williams said she was proud to join to programme.
Tau-Williams, who is also the second secretary to East Sepik Governor Allan Bird, said: “Our challenge is to make K10,000 a month, for me, the challenge that made me take up production and events was that we were down at the Sir Hubert Murray Stadium for Sir Michael’s funeral, something that blew my mind.
“When I was seated, I found out that the production company made millions for a seven-hour event.
“Another case was down at the Apec Haus, another events company made K1.3 million for an eight-hour event which made me to think, maybe I’ll tap into that place and see what it has in store, so this is why I took up the challenge.”