Director urges nurses to follow in footsteps of Nightingale


Defence Department nursing services director Sr Rose Wagia urged civil nurses serving in military establishments to follow the example of Florence Nightingale.
Florence Nightingale, considered the mother of modern nursing, is held in high regard for providing outstanding care to British soldiers during the Crimean War in the 1800s.
Speaking during a World Nurses Day Celebration at Murray Barracks in Port Moresby on Friday, Wagia told the nurses that they must practise patience as a strong character and be ready at all times to care for a wounded or sick soldier, just as Nightingale.
She said, like Nightingale, they are called to serve in military units and therefore must uphold the duty of care.
PNG Defence Force medical services head Dr Peter Kaminiel urged civil and military nurses to continue to work together and serve the units as well as the surrounding communities.
“I do not want patients to come to our clinics and be yelled at.
“We must serve with a heart of care,” Kaminiel said.
He said nurses were the frontline personnel of health services, and they have the responsibility to care for the servicemen, their families and citizens who sought their help.
Kaminiel acknowledged their commitment to the force and the community, saying they have been providing exceptional services so far.