Dept starts to cancel SABLs

Main Stories, National

The National, Tuesday June 24th, 2014

THE Department of Lands and Physical Planning has started the process of cancelling 25 Special Agriculture Business Leases identified by the Commission of Inquiry reports.

Department secretary Romilly Kila-Pat has directed the Registrar of Titles to immediately start work on revoking the leases.

Kila-Pat told reporters that a special SABL taskforce would be appointed by the ministerial committee on SABL. 

The task force will look into the other SABLs that haven’t been investigated, including the 44 leases presided by Commissioner Alois Jerewai.

The inquiry presided by commissioners John Numapo and Nicolas Mirou had recommended that 25 SABLs be cancelled.

Kila-Pat said the department would review existing SABLs and where legally sound apply appropriate administrative procedures including the use of show cause notices to lease holders.

Cabinet has also directed the Lands Department and the Investment Promotion Authority to amend the laws and transfer administration of Incorporated Land Groups from the department to the IPA.

“The department is ready to implement this direction and will cooperate with other agencies as per the NEC direction. 

“It is important that our stakeholders note the importance of government directives and policy implementation. 

“The decisions taken by the department are directives by the government of the day and as implementing agencies to achieve the police outcomes of the government,” Kila-Pat said.