Dad’s plea: Fast justice

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THE father, whose 14-year-old daughter was allegedly raped by her uncle, made a heartfelt plea in the Waigani committal court yesterday and magistrate Garry Unjo responded that he will make a ruling on Aug 12.
Unjo said: “I will not wait any longer for the defence lawyer to turn up in court.”
The father pleaded: “Mi no hamamas tumas lo longpla time displa delay kamap becos em sa makim fire tru long lewa blo mi (I am not too happy about the long delay because it’s causing fire in my heart).“Mi laikim court lo makim sampla samtin so displa fire ba go daun (I want the court to do something to ease this fire in me).”
Unjo noted that the case had been pending submissions on evidence for seven months and that he would no longer wait for the defence lawyer to turn up to submit.
He then adjourned the case for ruling on Aug 12 and extended the accused’s K1,000 bail.
Police alleged that during the third term school break in 2019, the girl spent her break at her aunt and her husband (accused)’s residence.
On Nov 16, 2019, she went to her mother’s work place and returned home in the afternoon.
When she arrived, she noticed that the front gate was locked so she waited in a neighbour’s house for her aunt and uncle to return home.
Later, as it was getting dark, she climbed the fence into the yard and found the door was locked.
So, she got a bed sheet from the clothes line and got into an old damaged vehicle inside the yard to sleep.
At about 1.30am on Nov 17, 2019, she heard someone opening the vehicle door.
She was afraid thinking it was someone else but noticed that it was her uncle.
The uncle undressed himself and got into the vehicle and allegedly forced himself on her and had sex with her.
The girl cried and reminded him that he was her uncle but he told her to shut up.


  • He is not a human being with 5 common senses, he is an animal.
    Why allowing him to bail!!!!
    How would he feel should his daughter is raped like this by a animal minded uncle? Inhuman….

  • Our Government and Judiciary need to impose death penalty for such inhuman behavior..Such cases is on rise everywhere in PNG now

  • Untrust in human dog brain o hope our justice system must do something in hard way so people like him will know from there just send him stret to jail so e will spend rest of his life behind bar no free dom for him and let his wife can go and marry to some one else..

  • How can this be delayed to long . Our court system is failing the community, the villagers, the town and the country.
    Probably white man will come and show us again how to run our courts, the public services machineries and the country. It’s a shame …

  • The accuser should not impose a bail out, because what he does is worth more than death as i suggest. He should faced the maximum punishment and jail more than ten years. Beside his wife can remarry to the father of the victim.

  • The accuser should not impose a bail out, what he does is worth more than death. he should face the maximum punishment and jail for more than ten years. Beside his wife can remarry to the father of the victim.

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