Constituency member eyes economic sector


By ANGELINE KARIUS in Bougainville
MEMBER for Selau Constituency and chairman of Northern Block, Paul Cheung, says he is focused on the economic sector in his term in office.
He has registered Selau Resources Limited as part of his contribution to the constituency.
“The company has included some of the ward members as board of directors to carry on supporting and representing each community in the 11 wards of the Community Government on the ground,” Cheung said.
“In 2022 and 2023, the Selau Constituency Office had allocated funding for economic development programmes and projects such as; seven white copra dryers counter funded by Kokonas Indastri Koporesen (KIK) farmers and constituency office; virgin coconut oil and spices; piggery nursery project; poultry projects; funding to canteens; financial literacy training; and cocoa nurseries.
“I will make sure 60 per cent of all development grants, under economic development grants from commerce department covers vanilla, cocoa, coconut, poultry, and piggery in the Autonomous Bougainville Government budget will be used on agriculture to improve and develop the Selau economy,” Cheung said.
He said in the last four years, he had worked with limited funding of K80,000 per quarter; K50,000 from constituency development grants and K30,000 for constituency support allowances.

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