Conference aims to improve quality of health services

Cardinal John Ribat cutting the ribbon of the Catholic Church Health Services corporate plan which the National Catholic Health chief executive officer Sr Jadwiga Faliszek is holding onto. The plan was launched during the second National Conference. – Nationalpic by NICKY BERNARD.

THE Catholic Church Health Service’s (CCHS) second annual national conference aims to improve the quality of health services of the rural Catholic health facilities, an official says.
National Catholic Health chief executive officer Sr Jadwiga Faliszek said: “This conference will help both health workers from the rural areas as well as the officials in the office so it will help all of us to deliver better and quality health care services.”
Faliszek said this yesterday during the opening of the three days’ national conference in Port Moresby.
“This is the forum where we share our experiences, challenges, achievements and also where we see how we can strengthen our services in the future,” she said.
She said the objectives of the conference were to showcase the rural experiences of the rural health workers of CCHS.
“Another objective is to strengthen the partnership with the health authorities and Department of Health,” Faliszek said.
“And also we want to emphasise on the importance of health standards, information and health promotion.”
The CCHS had also launched their corporate plan 2024 to 2028.
Faliszek said the plan would guide the CCHS to improve the standard and conditions of the staff and facilities of the CCHS.
“We want to strengthen our rural health services to have decent facilities and the essential medication that they can provide,” she said.
She said CCHS had been working with partners with many donors to advocate for rural health services and the way forward to improve health service was to improve rural health facilities to attract and retain health workers.