Company wins Manus job


THE first 5km section of the Manus Highway from NBG Junction to Rossun village and primary school will be sealed, says Works and Highways Minister Solan Mirisim.
He said Covec PNG Limited had been contracted to work on the highway.
The K115-million contract was launched by Deputy Prime Minister John Rosso in November 2022 but progress on the project had been slow.
Local member and acting Governor-General Job Pomat welcomed Mirisim as well as Works secretary David Wereh and regional works manager Kingsford Kassen who inspected progress on the highway.
The 150km Manus Highway runs from Lorengau to Ndraukei at the western end.
Covec PNG Ltd had started work on the first phase of the project. The second and third phases would be rescoped and tender documents prepared so that the entire highway can be completed on time.
Mirisim said one of the issues faced in road construction was the need to ship all parts, machinery and materials to the island, which is an expensive exercise and a logistical challenge.
Meanwhile, the contractor had also been tasked, under the Connect PNG programme, to build an office complex for the provincial Works division and housing for onsite engineers.