Column 1

Column 1

Costly licence
A woman applying to get her driving licence was shocked by the many fees involved. Apparently, there are fees for driving test, eye test, approval stamp fee, and driving stamp fee which all add up to almost K295. And that’s apart from buying a new car.
Useless footbridge
The foot bridge at Hohola in the nation’s capital is an unofficial public toilet. And it is also a health hazard. We only have ourselves to blame for this mess.
Origin fever
Its Sate of Origin fever again with many street vendors looking to earn a quick buck by selling blues and maroons merchandise in the lead up to game two in Melbourne tonight. Some vendors will have a special stall set up this afternoon for fans to paint their face or bodies. Support responsibly.
Stray Phone
The NRL match between the Roosters and Bulldogs had to be stopped for at least a minute after a mobile phone was found on the field by referee Grant Atkins. The phone was apparently dropped by a female streaker who ran onto the field a few minutes earlier. “The lady who has decided to do a 100-metre sprint, she has dropped her phone,” former NRL player and commentator Michael Ennis said.
House rules
Miss Five laid down the law after she was fed up with mum spending too much time at the work place. “You are now the cleaner of the house,” she told mum her punishment.
Food for thought
‘When you get older, your health becomes important to you. Things start breaking down, you’ve always got a different ache or pain,” Tom Petty.
Top quote
“Blues and Maroons players in Australia do not know you, whether you support them or not or even want to know whether you die in their names or not,” Eastern Highlands police commander Supt Michael Welly said.

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