Column 1

Column 1

Back to normal
We are slowly getting back to “normal” as far as power supply disruptions are concerned in our capital city. Now it has reverted back to occurring at least once a day, after those high-faluting statements assuring everyone that power cuts would be a thing of the past. Just pathetic!
Admitting mistakes
Memo to those running census 2024: Great leaders admit their mistakes and apologise. The emotions that come from mistakes, including embarrassment and shame, are difficult ones to face, but admitting to mistakes makes one a better leader and improves work culture.
Counting us
We’ve been counting the days to be counted in the National Census, and now that the actual count has started, we are beginning to doubt if we will be counted at all. There is hope however. The NSO, Minister Masere and the Government insist that “we are census-ready” and “you can count on us”. Really?
Nocturnal creatures
Advice to you single folks out there: Do not date anyone who wants to meet you only at night. You are not a cockroach.
Boss serving
Final chapter of the NZ PM’s “bagrup” Boeing 757 plane story in Port Moresby on Sunday: After he caught a commercial flight to Japan, the 52 members of his trade delegation left behind including Air NZ CEO Greg Foran travelled to Brisbane on Monday to catch an Air NZ Auckland-Narita flight which had to be diverted to Brisbane, much to the passengers’ anger, to pick up the trade delegation. As part of his apology to the passenger for diverting the flight, Foran was seen serving them on the flight.
Thought for today
Pay attention to your gut feeling. No matter how good something looks, if it does not feel right, walk away.
Top quote
“Ours (aviation) is a complex industry, but vital to the development and growth of PNG. Without a safe successful competent aviation industry, PNG would remain unconnected.” – Air Niugini acting chief executive officer Gary Seddon.

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