Column 1

Column 1

Feast-ful of rugby
Expect a feast-ful of rugby this weekend with the PM’s XIII clash plus the NRL preliminary finals and the World Cup rugby pool games hotting up in France.
Tiny serve
Word in the corridors of power about staff members of a government department served a “tiny” meal during the Independence Day anniversary celebration even though K100,000 was allocated to the department for the event. Over to you, ICAC.
Best summary
Off all the newspapers which gave some space to Fiji’s historic Rugby World Cup defeat of the Wallabies on Sunday, perhaps the New York Times summed it up best: “Fiji, population 900,000, defeated Australia, population 25 million, at the Rugby World Cup in France, on Sunday.”
Just imagine
Imagine if the Hostplus Cup Hunters team’s impact on the Kumuls is as strong as the Fijian Drua Super Rugby team’s impact on the Flying Fijians team. The Kumul can be world champions overnight. Just saying.
Flagpole fixed
Breaking news: That flagpole on Independence Hill which was the cause of red faces (and nothing to do with the hot sun) during Saturday’s Independence Day ceremony has finally been fixed. Not it is all ready for the 2024 celebrations.
Keeping apart
Of course, all efforts will be made to keep Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky away from the Russian delegation at the United Nations General Assembly in New York this week.
Food for thought
Always be ready to survive alone. Some people change. Today, you are important to them. Tomorrow. you are nothing to them. That’s real life. Accept it.
Top quote
“I urge you (Hela people) to stop resorting to violence and destruction during times of conflict. Such behavior will only lead to more problems, which will eventually affect our children’s education, especially when their schools are being attacked, burned down or destroyed.” – Prime Minister James Marape.

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