Column 1

Column 1

Dad’s day
To families tuned in, Sunday Sept 3 is Father’s Day. So give dad a treat! He deserves it.
Women to men
Father Day’s message from women: A man who cooks is attractive, but a man who does the dishes is irresistible.
SOS from men
One-Tok Kaunselin Helpim Lain which provides counselling, information and referral services to survivors of gender-based violence says about 60 percent of calls they received were from men and 40 from women. Really?
Melanesian magic
Four Melanesian Spearhead Group leaders stood on an island beach near Port Vila in Vanuatu last week to collectively send their blessings and well-wishes to the Fijian rugby team for its World Cup warm-up match against England on Saturday. Fiji beat England 30-22 – the first time ever!
Last words
The British rugby commentator summed up that match at Twickenham this way: England rugby’s fortress is now its temple of doom.
Bus drivers
Some regular commuters on the city’s buses may have noticed it but drivers seem to always wait until all the seats are occupied before leaving.  They ignore the profanity from those already seated. They will do anything to earn that extra kina.
Food for thought
Before you buy your parents a lovely casket when they die, please start buying them groceries and what they need while they’re still alive.
Best quote
“The PNG LNG project will come and go but this (Tari) airport is the gateway for economic growth and development for future generation. So we have to look after it.”
– Prime Minister James Marape.

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