Column 1

Column 1

Literacy rate
PNG’s literacy rate, one of the lowest in the region, is albeit improving steadily: 57.34 per cent in 2000, 61.60 pc in 2010, and 63.4 per cent today. Needless to say, education is the key to raise it further, folks!
Speed limit
By the time you calculate this, it may be too late. Well, assuming of course that you had learnt some Algebra in school.
Speed detectors
It would help drivers to have speed-limit signs posted on the roadside on busy roads and highways too. About time too to introduce police radar detectors in the country.
Full of fury
First, Compol warned the major players tasked to resolve the fuel supply and forex issues to act immediately. Nothing. Then a declaration of emergency was made by Minister Kua. Still nothing – according to Puma. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing? (Shakespeare’s Macbeth).
Clear difference
The difference is clear: For three days, one network charges K20 for 1.5GB data, while another charges only K5 for 2GB. Wow!
Girl talk
Girl texts girlfriend after finding out that their pal got hitched overnight: Some girls are just lucky. First crush, then Boom! Husband! While some of us have to meet all the sons of Pharaoh before Moses comes to the rescue!
Food for thought
It does not matter how long you are spending on Earth, how much wealth you have accumulated, or attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibes you have radiated in life that matters.
Top quote
“Discovering that Papua New Guinea leads in lip and oral cavity cancer cases (among nations suveyed) due to betel nut chewing is deeply concerning. This habit not only jeopardises health but also contributes to the unsanitary condition of our cities and towns.” – Prime Minister James Marape.

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