Column 1

Column 1

Jobs record
Amazing to learn from a World Bank report that 66 per cent of the PNG population were employed in 2002, but it fell to 45 per cent in 2021. So, where did all those jobs go, one wonders?
Back in
After weeks of being locked out, buses have been allowed back into the Gordon shopping area near the multi-million kina market in Port Moresby – much to the relief of commuters who solely rely on this mode of transport t9o move around.
Bargain chicken
Customers at a major shopping center in Port Moresby where given an early Easter surprise when the shop sold trays of frozen chicken for K10 each, instead of the normal retail price of K16. But it was for only one hour on Saturday.
Food for thought
Do not carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones to rise above them.
What they say
“Right now, one of the leading cooperative societies in PNG is (owned by) the people of Ahi in Morobe. They own Mainland Holdings, Tablebirds Chicken. They deal with between K300 and K400 million a year.” – Pacifund chief executive officer Des Yaninen.

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