Cheshire offers services

Cheshire physiotherapist Leeroy Kehono conducting exercises on a home-based patient in Moresby South during the outreach programme earlier this month. – Pictures supplied

CHESHIRE Disability Services (CDS) PNG provided rehabilitation and educational services to residents of Moresby South earlier this month.
Cheshire’s community-based rehabilitation team comprising a physiotherapist and two teachers visited the electorate, covering Vabukori to Hanuabada.
Team coordinator and physiotherapist Leeroy Kehono said the work was timely, but needed more time, with only him on the job while a field nurse assisted him on her leave.
“It was a big task for me and very tiring, but most of the clients didn’t attend today as the number of clients at Vabukori can easily go up to 40,” he said.
While Kehono worked on Vabukori patients who needed physiotherapy services, teachers Catherine Kip and Rose Ietero provided lessons for home-based students in Vabukori and Hanuabada.
Offering these services to disabled and home-based students and children are among the team’s annual programmes.
Cheshire programmes officer Pius Nasi said the programme is part of the annual activities, and will have these services delivered to other suburbs in the National Capital District (NCD) and Central.
“We reach out to all suburbs in NCD and nearby communities in Central,” Nasi said.
“We go as far as Bereina.”

Inclusive education teacher Catherine Kip with home-based students at Hanuabada in the National Capital District. – Pictures supplied

He added that the team will conduct weekly visits to different locations as per the programme schedule.
The team has no government support in terms of funding, but has donors from individuals, business houses, partners, non-governmental organisations, and from their fundraising initiatives, Nasi said.
“We carry out our fundraising activities like sausage sizzles which enable us to implement our programmes,” he said.
Cheshire continues to be a vibrant special education resource centre that provided rehabilitation and educational services to communities every year, Nasi said.

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