Bumbu’s ugly head pops up again


BUMBU settlement is no longer safe for visitors as petty crimes are now on the rise posing greater risk to people.
With the growing number of teens involving in all sorts of illicit activities, you might wonder is there any leader in existence or not.
Phone theft, Bag snatching, tribal fights, begging and threating is now at the extent where it is beyond control and is seen as a norm in this part of Lae City.
Sadly, the ordinary people no longer has guts to deal with this situation as these group of perpetrators have backing from some people in the highest stature in the communities backing them up.
You might wonder when you’re robbed in daylight in front of people but no one stands up to defend you, that’s because everyone is being subjected to constant fear. Gone are the peaceful days.
It is a worrying situation where, these group is becoming powerful day by day. Every single day we hear and even see people being held up and their belongings taken away on broad daylight.
It is a situation which forced people to be silent.
At the moment, no one wants to risk their lives as long as they want to live in the settlement as these group of young people were being threatening people which forced them to live under constant fear of reporting these group of people in fear of their lives.
At the moment most of these issues is being seen as a norm in the settlement as these minority group seize power from time to time.
The freedom of the people is at stake as even the councilors knows this situation yet doesn’t take any action for the good of every citizen living this part of the city.
Can the Chinatown police do patrol within these communities and check the parents of these petty criminals, these are the very people who are idolizing and protecting their kids seeing them as their pride.
It’s a shame to see parents of these opportunists supporting their shameful acts.
These petty thieves are ward 4, ward 5, part-ward 6 in the Ahi LLG and ward 2 of Lae Urban.
The responsible authorities need to look into these issue and deal with the petty criminals and their family.
Most of us who do marketing for our day to day living have been affected most times but we no longer have the power to speak up or against these group of people as they are being protected and we continue to live in fear for our lives, our daughters, our mothers.
Please can the police do something to eliminate these culprits who continues to forced people to live in fear.
Bumbu is no longer safe.

Concerned Morobean

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