Bulolo MP donates musical instruments to church


BULOLO MP Sam Basil Jr donated musical instruments to churches to engage people in church activities to reduce law and order issues in the district.
One of the churches his development authority donated instruments and solar light to is Evangilical church of PNG, Mumeng, Ekopa church in ward 19 of Watut local level government.
The village is located on the peak of a mountain where the road condition to their village is poor and deteriorating.
Basil promised to work along with PNG Forest Products to upgrade the road.
“I am presenting instruments to church so people can come back to church to worship the Lord, and forget about committing petty crimes to destroy our communities and district as a whole,” he said.
“I am continuing the work that my late father (Sam Basil) who was a deputy prime minister and local MP, did.
“My father died last year in a tragic car accident.
“The community must use these instruments to serve the Lord and use the instruments only on big occasions.”
Evangelist Andrew Ngawai, thanked the MP and said that it was a special gift because instruments were delivered during the Independence anniversary celebrations.
“The MP helped us by bringing something that is needed in the community and we are very thankful for that,” he said.
“Music connects God and the people, where several chapters in the books of 1 and 2 Samuel talk about how King David used poet, harpist and hymnist to connect with God.
“Therefore, we play music to praise the Lord for His anointing to be with us to strengthen our spirits.”
Basil said his development authority hosted a Basil paddle power mountain bike race, donated instruments to churches, supported schools with funding to celebrate the anniversary .