Buang circuit preparing for conference


THE Buang circuit of the Evangelical Lutheran Church is preparing to host a conference at Yabem in October.
Circuit secretary Andrew Katong said the preparation was going well although they were yet to sort out the grandstand, electricity, water and footbridge.
It will be the 102nd Sam Siga (conference) for the Yabem district.
The circuit has six parishes with 31 congregations.
The Simbruk congregation in the Mapos parish will host the conference.
The circuit is trying to raise K100,000 to host the 13 circuits during the one-week conference beginning on Oct 24.
They are expecting 7000 participants.
The congregations were told to raise K1500 each while K50,000 will come from donations.
Katong appealed to Buang people living in other parts of the country and overseas to assist the organisers.
He said the District Development Authority allocated funds for a Mumeng circuit conference in September and for the one in Buang.